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Black and white illustration of a cartoon character with a thoughtful expression, finger on cheek, hand on hip, and a confident stance, suggesting they are deep in thought or have just come up with an idea.

Have trusted conversations with your database

SimplyPut empowers your company to chat with data using AI. Trust the answers you receive and make data accessible and understandable for all.

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A cartoon illustration of a person smiling while working on a laptop, with illustrated arrows and abstract shapes such as rectangles and circles swirling around the person's head, symbolizing a flurry of activity or the flow of information.

We democratize data. SimplyPut. Trusted by these amazing companies
See how Spaceback streamlines data access with SimplyPut

ask a question in your own language. get the answer right then and there.

SimplyPut is designed to deliver a user experience that's both intuitive and enjoyable. It recognizes when it can or cannot answer a question, determines the best way to present an answer, understands how to continue the current conversation thread, and explains its reasoning process.

approved and loved by data experts everywhere.

SimplyPut is built to allow data teams and everyone to effectively utilize the power of AI. With SimplyPut, you can quickly and efficiently teach AI about your company’s specific datasets. This not only streamlines data management but also ensures that both end users and data teams can trust the answers they receive.

how it works

  • Step 1

    connect your data and documentation

    No large implementation effort needed. Just enter your data source credentials and optionally give access to any data documentation (such as from DBT), and you're good to go.

  • Step 2

    ask a question

    Simply type your question into the web app or connect SimplyPut to Slack and start asking questions.

  • Step 3

    chat with SimplyPut!

    Chat with SimplyPut for deeper understanding, follow-up questions, and team collaboration.

learn more about the platform

data insights

Catch up on our thoughts about data. We love to help people be more data-informed and share what we’ve learned over the years.

Get started unlock your data with SimplyPut

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